Monday, September 30, 2019

Amway in China: a Case of Corporate and Brand Reputation Essay

With the turbulent regulatory environment for the direct selling industry in China, the November 2005 announcement that Amway China Co. Ltd (ACCL) had over $2 billion in sales for the second consecutive year is significant for the multilevel direct selling giant, Amway Corporation. China remains the leading market of their worldwide operations even though direct selling was banned in 1998. Their success can be attributed to responses by the corporate and local management for adapting during the ten years of business operations in China. Eva Cheng, chairwoman of Amway (China) and an executive vice-president of Amway Corporation, told a press conference in Guangzhou, â€Å"We have been told to shut down five times and to change our way of doing business four times. We depend on product quality more than our business license.† New regulations in December 2005 will pose further modifications to the Amway business model in China. â€Å"Despite the uncertainty, ACCL performed admirably,† said Steve Van Andel, Chairman of parent company Alticor. â€Å"We continue to examine our future options in China in light of the new rules, which have yet to go in effect. We are very optimistic that China will continue to be our strongest performing market.† The Company Profile Founded in 1959, Michigan-based Amway Corporation is a large direct selling company of personal care, home care, nutrition and commercial products. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of privately-held Alticor, Inc. that operates primarily through Amway Corp; Quixtar Inc.,a North American Web-based business opportunity; and Access Business Group LLC, a product development, manufacturing and logistics provider to Amway, Quixtar and other companies. Alticor Inc. and its family of companies reported sales of $6.4 billion for the performance year ending August 31, 2005. Amway operates in more than 80 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Products offered include brands such as Nutrilite vitamins and food supplements, Artistry skin care and color cosmetics, eSpring system, Magna Bloc therapeutic magnets and SA8 laundry system. Access Business Group manufactures Amway’s brand products in facilities in Ada (Michigan), Buena Park (California) and Guangzhou (China). Amway’s products and services are marketed through more than 3 million independent business owners (IBOs) and sales representatives worldwide through a multilevel direct selling model. Direct sales, as defined by the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, is â€Å"a process involving the marketing of products and services directly to consumers in a face-to-face manner, away from permanent retail locations.† Annual worldwide sales in this sector are nearly US $90 billion, half of which are in the United States and Japan. In the United States, approximately 80% of direct sales are by multi-level marketing organizations, where salespeople are paid not only on their own personal sales, but also on the sales of other salespeople whom they recruit and train through up-line and down-line relationships. History of Involvement in China Amway (China) Co., Limited incorporated as a joint venture in 1992 and opened a 152,000 square foot manufacturing plant in the Guangzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone on January 18, 1995. The Amway operations in the People’s Republic of China are part of Amway Asia Pacific Ltd., a publicly traded company until becoming privately owned in 2000, that encompasses Amway businesses in Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Taiwan and Thailand. Initial manufacturing for the Chinese market included five homecare household cleaning products, with personal care products introduced throughout the year. Amway China commenced sales operation in the Guangdong and Fujian provinces in April 1995. Following the multilevel direct selling model of Amway, a minimum monetary investment of approximately US$85 for married couples and individuals was required to establish their own business. New distributors received training and support from their sponsors and were encouraged by motivational programs and incentives. The total sales to the network that the distributor helped recruit, train and motivate was considered in calculating bonuses. Thousands of sales representatives registered during the first years, bringing Amway’s net sales in China to $178 million for fiscal year 1997. Until the 1990’s, direct selling was not an established method of distribution in China. Chinese officials interpreted the term for direct selling, â€Å"chuanxiao,† as â€Å"passing products from one layer of participants to another layer of participants, with the product price increased at each layer† which is not a factual representation of the business model of most direct selling companies. Meanwhile, illegal smuggling of imported products, mass meetings to recruit salespersons and â€Å"get-rich-quick† schemes generated attention of Chinese officials, resulting in the first national regulation on direct selling in 1994. These regulations focused on preventing fraudulent activities and set limits on advertising for recruits and compensation for introducing new sales representatives. In 1998 – after numerous attempts to address violations of the chuanxio regulations, and two highly publicized scams in Huizhou City and Xingsha – the State Council ordered all direct selling companies to cease operations, disband distributor networks, clean up debts, and modify its sales method. Response to restriction on direct selling Forced to restructure the business, Amway worked with the Chinese officials to implement a model that would allow sales representatives to continue participation in the business. â€Å"While we will have to make a number of changes in how we operate, in all of our discussions with the Chinese government it was essential that we retain the foundation of an independent sales force to service our customers,† said Richard DeVos, president of Amway Asia Pacific. Under the approved plan, Amway’s product distribution centers throughout China became â€Å"retail locations† with Amway branded products marked at retail price. Once a Chinese consumer bought Amway products for two consecutive, they became â€Å"privileged customers who buy Amway products at a 15 percent discount for their personal use.† These â€Å"privileged customers† could apply to Amway to be sales representatives to buy Amway products directly from the retail stores at the full price, paying with the customers’ money and delivering the products to customers. They received a 15 percent commission on sales to their customers. By establishing 180 company-owned retail locations by 2005, the plan allowed an estimated 180,000 direct sellers to continue to operate within what the company terms a mode of â€Å"selling through shops, plus the use of sales representatives.† However, the approval to continue business stipulated that sales representative income was based on individual results, not those of the team – a move intended to limit the attraction of forms of direct selling that might lead to pyramid frauds. In anticipation that the regulations may change, sales representatives continued to introduce others to the business while not receiving commission from their sales. Through obtaining appropriate business licenses, approximately 80,000 sales representatives became authorized agents whose compensation included both team performance and their own sales. Corporate Sponsorships Amway continued its tradition of involvement with the community through corporate sponsorships that enhanced its reputation in China. By the end of Aug 2005, Amway China supported over 1,800 charity projects in the areas of children, health and environmental protection. These projects resulted in earning over 1,200 honors and awards. The China Charity Association granted the company the award of Exemplary Benefactor to Social Welfare in 2002. For environmental initiatives, the Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources awarded Amway China the title of â€Å"Model Enterprise for Protecting Earth’s Resources† in 2002. Other rewards include: â€Å"Star Enterprise to Contribute to the Public Welfare† by China Children and Teenagers’ Fund, â€Å"Advanced Enterprise for Excellent After-Sales Service and Product Quality† by China General Chamber of Commerce in 2003. In 2004, Fortune (Chinese Edition), listed Amway China as one of the â€Å"Most Admired Companies,† Most Influential MNC, and Most Influential Brand. Brand Positioning According to John Parker, Chief Marketing Officer of Amway Corporation, Amway views their product portfolio in terms of the way in which products support the business opportunity to enable the independent business owners to recruit, to retail, and to qualify for higher award levels. Without multilevel direct selling in China, the focus is on creating a portfolio of products and brands with a price/value relationship that allows sales representative to succeed in developing customers. Amway China produces and markets more than 160 products, including Nutrilite( food supplements, Artistry( skin care and cosmetics, personal care and home care products. To make the brand more visible and make it easier for the sales representatives to sell products to the customer, Amway China invested over 30 million US dollars for advertising in 2005. Amway broadcast films of Artistry cosmetics and Nutrilite nutrition products in 1,500 business buildings throughout China and more than 4,000 liquid crystal display televisions in Shanghai’s underground carriages. Artistry was the title sponsor bringing â€Å"The Phantom of the Opera† to Shanghai. Sponsorship of the first health runs to take place in China has coined the term â€Å"Nutrilite Health Runs† for what most countries would call 10K or marathons. For the Chinese, the Nutrilite brand has become synonymous with fitness and activity. According to the Euromonitor, Amway China was the fourth largest company in cosmetics and toiletries sales in 2005 – with a 5% market share overall. The cosmetic brand Artistry was second in overall cosmetic brand share, with 4.3%, closely following Procter & Gambles, Olay brand with 5%. It is the second largest in Color Cosmetics with 7.5% market and brand share in all regions of China. In the over-the-counter healthcare category, Amway held an overall value share of nearly 19%, far exceeding that held by the next closest competitor. Amway was the top performing player in vitamins and dietary supplements in China, capturing over 25% of vitamins and dietary supplements in 2004. Nutrilite, was the leading brand with value share of more than 13%, including the best selling brand Nutrilite Protein Powder, and its multivitamins and other dietary supplements, such as calcium and fish oil. In the home care products, Amway China is not a major player, with 0.1% of the overall market, however have brand recognition and share in laundry care and dishwashing products. The laundry detergent, SA8, is ranked ninth in the nation with 0.5% brand share and Dish Drops is ranked eleventh with a 1.1% brand share. Commitment to product development for the Chinese market includes seven laboratories for quality assurance and two research and development centers in Guangzhou and Shanghai. The Company has been awarded the Advanced Technology Enterprise for three times from 1996 to 2002. In 2004, Amway increased its investment in China by US$120 million to set up a research and development center in Shanghia to explore introducing herbal medicinal elements to its products. Continuing lobbying for resumption of direct selling in China Recognizing the large potential of direct selling in China, Amway participated in efforts of the American Chamber of Commerce, the US-China Business Council, and the World Federation of Direct Selling to lobby for Chinese participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Most importantly, Amway’s chairman Steve Van Andel addressed the U.S. House Ways and Means subcommittee to urge China’s accession, in order to normalize trade relations with China on a permanent basis as well as to gain trust from Chinese government. China’s accession into the WTO in 2001 was expected to help improve the environment for direct sales in the country. China committed in their WTO agreement to allow market access for â€Å"wholesale or retail trade services away from a fixed location,† requiring China to fully open up the direct sales market by December 11, 2004. After much delay, the new regulations announced in September of 2005 permit direct selling in China with a number of restrictions. The most detrimental to the multinationals in the market is that the new law defines all multi-level marketing compensation structures as illegal chuanxiao. The new regulations also impose training restrictions that all salespersons will be required to pass an examination and be certified, as well as limit sales representative compensation to 30% of personal sales. Three other requirements to obtain approval include 1) three years of foreign operating experience before being allowed within China 2) â€Å"service centers† in every province where product is sold and 3) a minimum bond of 20 million RMB plus 15% of monthly sales up to a maximum of 100 million RMB. Upcoming challenge Amway China admits that the transition to comply with the new regulations will take time given their position as the largest direct selling company in China, with 50% of the market and more than ten times the sales volume of competitor Avon. The company can continue operating under its current approval while evaluating changes needed to meet the expectations of the Chinese government and therefore are not concerned that Avon was first to receive approval from the Ministry of Commerce to engage in direct selling in China. Under the new legislation, sales representatives may sell products outside of a fixed retail location, providing Amway representatives further opportunities to generate sales. Additionally, lifting restrictions on imported products may allow Amway China to access over 450 kinds of goods from its parent company. The continuing ban on multilevel direct selling will be the most challenging aspect of Amway’s response to new regulations. Amway’s success worldwide relies on a motivated sales force through multilevel compensation. One authorized sales agent of Amway in China is quoted as saying â€Å"We still face a huge challenge in China, because multilevel marketing is where the real profits lie.† The 180,000 Amway sales representatives in China look for the company leadership to consider their interests while pursuing solutions that meet the new regulations. Eva Cheng states â€Å"We will review the nature of the authorized agents’ jobs and make whatever modifications are necessary to ensure the company’s marketing activities are not open to allegations of chuanxiao.† Questions for Discussion 1. Who are the stakeholders for Amway in China? How would a stakeholder analysis help in developing a communication strategy? What is your recommendation for a communication strategy during this transition period? 2. Why is it important for Amway to be good corporate citizen in China? Can â€Å"doing good† overcome negative or inaccurate perceptions of the direct selling industry in China? 3. To what degree has Amway standardized its brand globally? How has it adopted its promotion strategy to local conditions in China? 4. What options does Amway have to address the new regulations on direct selling in China? What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with each? Sources Amway Fact Sheet, Alticor Fact Sheet, Amway China Fact Sheet. â€Å"Amway Regulates Agents in China Market.† Alestron (March 8, 2006) â€Å"Amway Starts Promotion in China.† Alestron (May 14, 2004): â€Å"China on Verge of Opening Vast Market for Direct Selling.† Nutrition Business Journal 10, 4 (2005): 9-12. Chung, Olivia. â€Å"First Law of Direct Sales: A Clear Ban on Multi-Level Marketing in China Will Mean Harder Times for Amway and Avon.† The Standard, September 26, 2005. â€Å"Cosmetics and Toiletries in China (June 2006).† Euromonitor. â€Å"Direct Sales in China.† Washington, DC: World Federation of Direct Selling, 2005. Gee, Pauline. â€Å"Fighting fit: amway has had to persevere in China but its determination to succeed there means it now holds an enviable position. (Country Report: China).† Soap, Perfumery & Cosmetics Asia (Nov 2002): 15(1). Ho, Herbert H. The Development of Direct Selling Regulation in China, 1994-2004. Washington, DC: The US-China Business Council, 2004. â€Å"Household Care in China (October 2005).† Euromonitor. Jun, Lin, and Rebecca Karnak. â€Å"At Last, Progress on Direct Selling.† China Business Review, Nov/Dec2005. MacLeod, Calum. â€Å"China’s New Rules Open Door to Amway, Avon, Others.† USA TODAY, November 30, 2005. â€Å"OTC Healthcare in China (December 2005).† Euromonitor. Ostroff, Jim (1998), â€Å"Amway Slated to Resume Its Operations in China.,† WWD, 175 (144), 28(1).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Development of a New Zealand Identity Essay

My report’s focus is to see how the New Zealand identity is portrayed in New Zealand art and literature. The texts I chose come from the early nineteenth century – The Piano – to the 1940s in Frank Sargeson’s short stories. Even though these texts may not be very modern, you can still see that there are a number of different factors that are in them which link to my theme. New Zealand Society In the short story ‘The Hole that Jack Dug’ and in the song ‘Whaling’, the male belongs to the working class. In â€Å"The Hole that Jack Dug†, Jack is a married man who a worker at a quarry. His wife doesn’t like that he does not get a better job, such as one in an office. Even though Jack has the ability to get a better job, he prefers labouring than anything else. In ‘Whaling’ this man is stuck as a whaler for a job, possibly because he lacks proper education. â€Å"But I’m whaling†¦ Not where I want to be. † This lack of education forced him into a job he didn’t want, which might have been what men had to do at the time. This brings up another issue of women being better educated than men. This can be seen in ‘The Hole that Jack Dug’ where Jack’s wife is educated in England. â€Å"†¦ she’d been a governess †¦ read more than ten books by an author called Hugh Walpole. † Because she is interested in literature and Jack isn’t, their marriage isn’t a very good one. Jack shows rebellion against her and her interests, because of her resentment towards him. This can be seen as New Zealand not valuing education during the time which led to people like Jack having working class jobs. These working class jobs can be seen as a New Zealand tradition. Jack and the Whaler were both labourers, a line of work which has continued its way into our modern times. This is evident by the fact the New Zealand has a successful farming industry which requires a large amount of labour. It can also be linked to today’s New Zealand men, who are do it yourself type people who like to fix things themselves. Men and women have not always got along well, as seen in Jane Campion’s film The Piano. The Piano follows a widow and her daughter. The widow has been married by her father to a New Zealand settler. Because Ada is mute and the act that she wasn’t very willing to be married creates problems with her new husband. Ada enjoys playing the piano, an issue that her husband doesn’t care too much about. Ada also has an affair with one of her husband’s workers which makes him so angry that he cuts off her finger. This conflict between men and women can be seen today in the form of sexism and increasing divorce rates. Th is is also shown in ‘ The Hole that Jack Dug’ where Jack’s wife convinces him that the hole was a bad idea and gets him to refill it. This is seen today as women overcome sexism. People like Helen Clark are elected in high positions in our society instead of men. Stereotypes In all of the short stories that I studied, one issue became clear: men don’t say much. This is shown in the ‘They Gave her a Rise’ and ‘The Making of a New Zealander’, both by Frank Sargeson. In ‘They Gave her a Rise’ the male in the story doesn’t say much. In ‘The Making of a New Zealander’, there is a young farmhand. Even though the story is centered around him, the narrator says very little â€Å"Maybe there’s nothing in it and maybe there is. This is often hard to understand, which is maybe why they didn’t say much. It is clear that there are many different sides to the New Zealand identity and they are shown in great depth and detail in NZ literature, and that there are indeed many different viewpoints of it. In the majority of my texts the issue of working class was dealt with more than the other issue s. The importance of working class is still seen in modern NZ society. I think it is a good thing that these issues have had the effect they have because if society keeps advancing, then so will our sense of identity.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Problem solving and quality improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Problem solving and quality improvement - Essay Example Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, commonly referred as FMEA in short, is a systematic approach to risk management throughout the product lifecycle. Primarily, this technique is used for material failures; however, various other defects like human factor and software can also be analyzed. In turn, results obtained from FMEA has broader impact on different aspects of product life cycle including suppliers, design, manufacturing, after sales services and intended service. This technique has mandatory been applied in aeronautics and automotive as encouraged by various standards. The aim of this project report is to analyze the reasons for series of complete failures on high performing braking systems developed for rally cars by STOP IT Limited, specializing in brake system manufacturing for motorsport industry. In this report, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis has systematically been used to identify the reasons for failures and recommend way forward. During the analysis, a detailed proje ct plan was developed including the guidelines for establishing severity and probabilities of the occurrence and detection. Detailed system for the motorsports braking system was studied to precisely identify these factors. Finally, a comprehensive FMEA was conducted, which revealed problems with contamination in the braking fluid and ovality and clearances with the wheel piston. As corrective action, it was recommended to define period spectrometric analysis of the braking fluid and reduce periodic frequency of the fluid change. In addition, it was recommended to check the ovality and clearances of the p[piston prior assembly and installation. Table of Contents 1.Introduction 1 2.Project Plan 1 2.1 Steps for Planning the FMEA 1 2.2 Project Management Plan 2 3.FMEA analysis on Product 2 3.1 Types of FMEA for Automotive 3 3.2 Project Scope 3 3.4 Project Team 3 3.5 Plan Resources and Time Requirements 4 3.6 Data Collection 6 3.7 Description of the System 6 3.8 Identification of possib le failures, consequences and causes 7 3.9 Hazard assessment (Risk Analysis) 1 3.10 Assign Severity 1 3.11 Identification of Inverted Delta 2 3.12 Determine probability of Occurrence 2 3.13 Identification of Current Controls

Friday, September 27, 2019

Rubric for Written Response to Performance of Communicating Doors Essay

Rubric for Written Response to Performance of Communicating Doors - Essay Example The set is great, and cover the entire stage, from the balcony windows to a some feet close to the audience on the left side of the stage further to the door close to the door, and the posh time travel door, to the overt walled washroom, bedroom doorway that has a furnishing accompaniment and the antique additions that are throughout the stage. On stage the couch is tailored for the play, and the audience become perplexed that the exterior in the at time spunky play. The concept of tie travel is rather simple on stage, and during the play there is a door in which it frequently occurs. A mere walk through the door and the cast can land either twenty years in the future or twenty years in the past. The direction in time (future or past) depends on who the cast member might be. However, only a single individual can travel at any given time, further one can come to the present from either the past or the future. In the play the concept is wide and unlimited and the concept of time travelling is captured aptly within the play. The British accent filled the environment, and the players performing in different ages, and hence the need to change their wigs and posture to reflect the change in their ages over the flip sides. The 1978 periods is when some are young, then the age when the play was set as the present, and in the future, 2034 and 2018 is reflected by changes in the age manifested by wigs assuming different colors. The scenery is also frequently captured by the lighting to show different time periods, and the concept is achieved when this is achieved through shifting of the time changing room. To achieve this change seem to take quite a while to be realized, the change, time switch and for the audience to predict what is time, then change in time, and convince the audience that the time has changed and things like that takes time to be achieved. The characters put on very colorful costumes which do not betray the play as they are seem to be fully

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Morphine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Morphine - Essay Example hat these other common drugs either match in action the effects of morphine when acted upon by the enzymes, or they increase the effectiveness of the enzymes resulting in a faster, or more concentrated catalytic effect (â€Å"†, 2011). In the case of lasix, which includes a psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agent the patient might experience hypotensive effects when the treatment is first administered or if either of the drugs dosage is increased. There is also a coadministration factor with vasodilators and alpha-blockers that can increase blood pressure and othostasis. This interaction is not consistent enough across all patients to come to a conclusion as to why this happens, but careful monitoring of any patient on this type of treatment method is advised (Hammack and Loprinzi, 1994). iii. Note the clinical consequences of each of the interactions (e.g. increases the plasma concentration of Drug B leading to an enhanced pharmacological effect and toxicity). In all of the drugs in the previous section (except lasix) the concern is that the drugs, when combined with morphine have an additive or synergetic effect on the toxicity and potency of both drugs thereby increasing effectiveness as well as possible side effects depending on how well individual patients metabolize the morphine. Factors that would need to be considered would include type of illness, health of the liver, enzyme production and any built up tolerance to either medication (American Pain Society, 1999). Lasix can interact with elements such as alpha blockers or vasodilators which would put more stress on the heart due to increased blood flow and/or respiratory system (American Pain Society, 1999). Section 3. Drug absorption For morphine: a. Determine and state the oral bioavailability... The study has shown that morphine is metabolized to M6G which is a potent analgesic thereby increasing the effectiveness of the drug in some situations. As a rule, the metabolism of morphine comes through uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase (UGT) enzymes which are found in the liver. The enzymes form active analgesic metabolites and in some cases toxic metabolites as well. This would indicate that environmental factors that could inhibit or increase the effectiveness of morphine would include conjoint use of other drugs that reduce or inhibit the effect of liver enzymes; liver disease or a liver dysfunction and any drugs that can increase enzyme levels in the liver itself. According to the AHFS drug information the bioavailability is influenced by gastrointestinal absorption but the amount of bioavailability depends on the method that is used to administer it. In reality the bioavailability is almost 90% first pass hepatic extraction. This is supported by literature that sug gests that the clearance rate for morphine is longer in those individuals who have hepatic impairment. In most cases the morphine is metabolized in the liver and dispersed through urination. The rate of conventional oral preparations (immediate release) and the extended release oral versions are about the same but there is a difference in peak plasma concentrations which are longer and lower with the extended release oral preparation.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Multiagent Systems research based Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Multiagent Systems research based - Essay Example The multi agent system looks at improving the production performance, increasing the schedule reliability and efficiency and keeping updated schedules. Software agent technology, which started in the early 1980s as a sub-field of artificial intelligence and has been a very dynamic field of research for about more than two decades, focuses its research mainly on aspects of multi-agent planning and distributed problem solving. Even though the agent technology research field is still heterogeneous it has set up itself as a major stream of computer science and artificial intelligence in particular. Multi-agent system is quite imperative for a ceramic tile company like Eco Tile factory, because it needs dynamic production processes to offer online programming to the customers and it would be able to manage real time response about their services and delivery times of required products through the process where design and other activities are done ahead of the production process. Like most other production units, production programming was one of the main problems of this company. The multi-agent system in Eco Tile turns to be a better structure for dealing with design and development of an application which should be flexible and adaptable to the environment. Multi agent technique seems to be appropriate for solving complicated problems that require intelligence. Here, Multi agent system provides a natural way to solve problems that are inherently distributed within the factory. Recently, multi agent system shows its trend towards the overt design and organization use where heterogeneous agents work together within distinct roles to attain individual and general goals. When emphasizing on team goals, organizations allow agents to work together with the help of individual agents to function properly and to perform the jobs that they are best appropriated for. When focusing on individual agent’s goal, organizations allow agents to perform

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Troubling Short and Long-Term Violent Media Effects on Children Essay

Troubling Short and Long-Term Violent Media Effects on Children - Essay Example The two articles provide compelling evidence that violent media has significant short-term and long-term effects on children’s development of aggressive thoughts, emotions, and actions, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, intelligence, and parenting styles and characteristics. The two articles are similar in examining the effects of violent media on children. Anderson and Bushman conducted a meta-analysis on studies that investigated the impacts of playing video games on aggression, physiological arousal, or prosocial behaviour. They wanted to know if playing violent media is connected to aggressive thoughts, emotions, or actions, or all of the above, and what the underlying mechanisms are for these connections. Huesmann et al. also studied the effect of violent media on children, particularly how watching violent TV in childhood affected later young adult aggression. They conducted a follow-up study of the 1977 longitudinal study that the authors did on 557 children w ho lived in Chicago. They considered other factors too that can explain the media-behaviour relationship, including preference for violence and third variables. These two articles are both interested in studying the effects of media violence on children’s aggression levels. Though these studies share similar general research topics on violent media effects on children, the two articles are different in their research designs because Anderson and Bushman used a meta-analysis design, while Huesmann et al. continued their longitudinal study.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Whether Red Bull should invest in the Formula 1 Racing Championship Thesis

Whether Red Bull should invest in the Formula 1 Racing Championship next year or not - Thesis Example The categorisation of the drink as an energizer holds back in the Thailand culture where the same is known as â€Å"Red Water Buffalo†. Further the brand gains a larger market space owing to the use of strategic marketing activities incorporating the creation of â€Å"buzz words and also through the sponsorship activities for extreme sporting events. The target segments for the brand consist of groups like students and athletes and also bars focusing on energy drinks. The sponsorship activity carried out by Red Bull for extreme sporting events helps the company in building a separate image of itself in the global drinks and beverage market. An estimate made during 2004 reveals that around $600 million have been spent by the company on sponsorship events involving Formula One racing events, sponsoring athletes or other musical and cultural functions. A comparison made with Coca Cola shows that where Coca Cola expended around 9 percent of its marketing revenues on sponsorship e vents, Red Bull happened to expend around 30 percent. (Roll, 2006, p.199). Another estimate obtained during the 2001 period shows that this sponsorship activity of Red Bull in extreme sporting events helped the same to conduct a sale of around 1.6 billion cans worldwide. This figure when compared to the 2000 period reflects a rise in around 80 percent in the company’s sale paradigm (Gelder, 2005, p.248). ... This figure when compared to the 2000 period reflects a rise in around 80 percent in the company’s sale paradigm (Gelder, 2005, p.248). The paper in this connection aims to conduct a research on whether Red Bull should continue investing in the Formula One events by reflecting on the probable advantages or opportunities that it can gain through such activities. Aims and Objectives Aims The main aim of the project is to evaluate the future of investing activities of Red Bull in the large scale sponsorship activities pertaining to extreme sporting events. In that it focuses to understand the potential of previous investment made by the company in this area and the advantages and opportunities gained on that behalf. The project also aims to compare the sponsorship activities of Red Bull to the activities of other companies also investing in sponsorship activities. Further the project also aims to understand the factors and situations evaluated by Red Bull before rendering potenti al investments in such directions. Objectives To understand the different marketing strategies of Red Bull To understand the reasons as to why Red Bull invests in Formula One championship events To evaluate the expenses or the cost the company incurs behind making such potential investments and the revenues that the firm tends to gain on that behalf To evaluate the future considerations as to whether Red Bull should continue investing in the sponsorship activities for Formula One championship for the 2011 period keeping in view the expenditure and the opportunity scenario for the 2010 period To compare the investment activities of the company in the extreme sporting events by drawing in examples

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Response to Intervention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Response to Intervention - Essay Example The major advantage of using Response to Intervention Method is that students with learning disabilities and whose performance is below that of their peers is seen sooner rather than later and afforded the necessary interventions that they may need, this allow them more time to try and become successful students rather than their just waiting to fail. This results in a series of intensive group or individual, based programs interventions.The programs help some students in obtaining the necessary support that they need early. The rapid response afforded by Response to Intervention is proving to be cheaper, as opposed to waiting for a case study analysis to be completed that is seen, when other methods of assessment are used.Another key benefit of using the Response to Intervention process is that the long duration a student normally waits before they can begin receiving additional instructional assistance or special education services in school is greatly reduced. This helps in averti ng the usual scenario whereby most students continue on failing to make any significant improvement in their studies for long stretches of time, which may sometimes run for several years before someone notices that they may have learning disabilities, and require the help of special education, as is seen in the use of the test-score discrepancy model. Response to Intervention also has the added benefit of helping in identifying students having learning disabilities, are seen to be at risk of failing.... This helps in averting the usual scenario whereby most students continue on failing to make any significant improvement in their studies for long stretches of time, which may sometimes run for several years before someone notices that they may have learning disabilities, and require the help of special education, as is seen in the use of the test-score discrepancy model. (Mary & Ayn, 2011) Response to Intervention also has the added benefit of helping in identifying students having learning disabilities, are seen to be at risk of failing. With the early detection, appropriate adjustments can be made to their systems of teaching and progress monitoring assessment that will help the students be successful and achieve success at higher levels and thus serving to avoid potential individual failure. (Rachel & Mark, 2010) The intense one on one and group supplementary assistance, afforded by Response to Intervention has had a rather profound effect in reducing the overall number of student s, who end up getting referred for special education services. As a result of this effect, the resources available in special education services are now channeled towards helping more disadvantaged students with severe learning disabilities. Response to Intervention has also been attributed with the increase in the number of students that end up becoming successful while still in the normal education system. This is as a result, of their problem areas not being identified and rectified in advance, some of these students get locked out of the regular education system. Because it is structured to compare the performance between students, the response is intervention model can differentiate between students posting inconsistent / poor results and those who have a learning

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Article Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Group Essay Example for Free

Article Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Group Essay Down though the years there has always been tension and an on and off relationship between the community they serve and law enforcement agencies. And as with any relationship between two people there are misunderstanding, break-up and disagreements and the same is with the relationship between the community and its law enforcement agencies but just with any relationship at day’s end both the community and law enforcement have and share common concerns such as justice and deterrence. With many of communities in America being incursion of immigrants within the last few decades; with this incursion of immigrants many communities are being bombard with so many new language and cultures diversity. Because of this wide range of ethnicity now living within many the walls of our communities and society on a whole now have different opinions and views of law enforcement. Now due to the various ethnicities flooding our communities the author will investigate how a few of these ethnicity groups like: African Americans, Asians and the Hispanics neighborhoods views racial profiling, discrimination and past experience with law enforcement agencies. Taking a look at the traumatized relationship and association between the two, as well as the interaction and reaction from the law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. Since the conception of the law enforcement agencies race has long since been a vital playing card in policing. Even with the knowledge, awareness and understanding of this there has been some improvement but not enough. Racial opus of law enforcement alongside the racial outline of arrest, the raise in the number of arrest of non- minority like â€Å"Caucasian† by non-white law enforcement officers, while there were lower numbers of arrest by the same officers on other ethnic groups. On the flip side of that coin, more. â€Å"Caucasian† officers had a boost in the number of non-white arrest in comparison to the number of arrest involving â€Å"Caucasians†. Race has been a polarizingelement the in the society of America for years. And this is every so prevalent within the criminal justice system. Clashes involving both the communities and law enforcement are the flashpoint for practically every current inner- city riot. Ethnic Groups The raise of culture variety and immigration has from time to time made interaction with law enforcement difficult. Hispanics and Asian neighborhoods are often apprehensive of law enforcement officers due to their past occurrence. Their past incidents vary from their motherland of origin that was overwhelmed by civil unrest and war. This included exploitation of power by those of authority as well as much dishonesty within law enforcement agencies of that country. For this cause many minorities groups have a apprehension and more often than not an aversion to law enforcement officers. Like within the Hispanic neighborhoods, they often feel that law enforcement agents differentiates them by racial profiling them all because of their nationality. In Arizona this is a very contentious SB 1070 unlawful migration bill that passed given law enforcement agents the power and authority to inquire of certain individual (Hispanic) of proof of documentation of legal right to be in America. This law is being adopted in other states as well like New Jersey and Texas, any where there is a high population of Hispanics. IthasbeenreportedbytwoethnicgroupsAfricanAmericansandHispanic/Latinos affirm subordinate levels of agreement concerning their relationship with police officers as compared to those of their counterpart â€Å"Caucasians†. African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos claims that there is less willingness to obey and to follow orders given by authorities especially of Caucasian origin. Racial profiling has consistently been one of the most confounding, divisive and controversial issues the police department confronts. A perception that police target members of specific ethnic or racial groups creates a deep divide between the police and the communities we serve. But as an officer who has spent a lot of time patrolling the citys streets, I just dont think the perception is accurate. (Dutta, 2010) True racial profiling, in which people are targeted solely because of race or ethnicity, is both illegal and immoral. It destroys public trust and reduces the effectiveness of the police. There is no place for it in law enforcement. And I firmly believe that most LAPD officers support that viewpoint. Even the reported statement of the officer that he couldnt do his job without racial profiling was most likely misinterpreted. (Dutta, 2010) Differentiation between minorities and Caucasians is how they relate and response to law enforcement agents and how fairly or unjustly he or she feels their treatment was. This is a how many African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos responded when asked by authorities regarding their relationship with law enforcement agencies this is less equality than when Caucasians reported.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Casestudy Of First Bank Nigeria Marketing Essay

A Casestudy Of First Bank Nigeria Marketing Essay Nigeria is among the developing countries in the World today. In the 1980s, several developing countries pursued some form of financial liberalization program or other, in order to boost the development of their countries. (Ayadi and Hyman, 2006). In achieving this financial liberalization, the First Bank of Nigeria Plc played a major role since the development and maintenance of the Nigerian economy. Being the first of its kind in Nigeria. The Nigerian Banking system started its history as far back as 1892 with the establishment of the African Banking in Lagos, the Capital of Nigeria as at then; it was taken over by the Bank of British West Africa (BBWA) in 1894 and was later acquired by Standard Bank of West Africa in 1965. In 1969, Standard Bank of West Africa incorporated its Nigerian operations under the name Standard Bank of Nigeria. In 1971, Standard Bank of Nigeria listed its shares on the Nigerian Stock Exchange and placed 13% of its share capital with Nigerian investors. The bank changed its name to First Bank of Nigeria in 1979. (The journalof African society). Now, First Bank is the biggest bank in Nigeria out of the 25 banks, it has been rated as the largest RETAIL lender in the country. FBN has a subsidiary in London, UK which started its operation in year 2002 having a branch in Paris. The bank as at 2009 December had a total asset of N2,172 billion (USD14,718 million). (First Bank Financial Highlights 2009). Being the first of its kind in Nigeria, it has made a large clientele base and this has given the management so much confidence and a sense of satisfaction which has led to the neglect of customers satisfaction maximizations and feelings. There are 25 banks in Nigeria, although FBN Plc has been rated has the largest retailer bank, other banks are improving on the loop holes of their products and services and using that medium to sap their customers. The Nigerian populace has come to realise that they own the money (capital) of the bank and because of that; they should get the best products and services possible. Doole et al, (2005) says In the fast moving competitive environment it is vital for organisations to provide customer satisfaction otherwise they risk losing their customers to competitors. The penalty for not providing customer satisfaction can be a steep decline in the organisations performance, as Marks Spencer, McDonalds and British Airways (BA) have recently found. Integrated marketing communication consists of varieties of medium of communication all in the name of satisfying customers in order to get new customer and to retain existing customers. Zeithaml et al (2006) says, marketing communication is more complex today than it used to be. In the past customers received marketing information about goods and services from a limited number of sources, usually mass communication sources such as network television and news papers. With a limited number of sources, marketers could easily convey a uniform brand image and coordinate promises. However, todays consumer of both goods and services receive communications from a far richer variety of advertising vehicles- targeted magazines, websites, direct mail, movie theatre advertising, e-mail socialisation and a host of sales promotion. Consumers of services receive additional communication from services capes, customer service departments, and everyday service encounter with employees. FBN Plc is the biggest bank in Nigeria in terms of asset and clientele base but lacks a proper integrated marketing communication system. It has so much relied on the facts that it is the first bank ever in the country and the Nigerian populace believe strongly in the bank because of its strong asset base and because it has stood the test of times. Despite their strong clientele base, FBN can single handled own 90% of the customer population in the country if it adopts IMC. Chris Fill (2009) IMC has emerged partially as a reaction to this inadequacy and to the realisation by clients that their communication needs can (and should) be achieved more efficiently and effectively than previously. The FBN customers are yearning for qualitative and uniform information about their funds and interest. The Nigerian government created a monetary policy reform that was geared to stabilize the economy in short-run and to introduce a market system for effective allocation of resources. The efforts were directed at promoting financial savings, reducing distortions in investment decisions and inducing an effective intermediation between savers, investors and their financial institutions. (Ayadi and Hyman, 2006). Integrated marketing communication build a strong brand identity in the market place by tying together and reinforcing all your images and messages. IMC means that all your corporate messages, positioning and images, and identity are coordinated across all venues. It means that your PR materials say the same things as your direct mail campaign and advertising has the same look and feel as your website. (Zeithaml et al 2006). Thus this research work aims to explore the opportunities awaiting FBN Plc after adopting a well integrated marketing communications system to boost its customer satisfaction. Research Questions and Objectives: Identify the need, want and demand of the market. Identify the causes of lack of customer satisfaction Identify and evaluate the market opportunities for FBN Plc. Analyse the FBNs competitive advantage over its rivals Develop a well qualitative and quantitative integrated marketing communication system for FBN Plc. Methodology: Conceptual Framework and Design Fisher (2010) says conceptual framework is formed of patterns of concepts and their interconnections. It is usually based on cause and effect relationships which are often the basis of hypotheses that such research seeks to test. It has also been noted by Easterby- smith et al (2002) that conceptual framework helps to take a more informed decision about the research approach, decide which method(s) are appropriate for the piece of research, and also to think about constraints which may impinge on the research. FBN Plc being a bank and with diverse staff and customers spread all over the country, it is therefore advisable from the understanding of methodology (conceptual framework) to go by positivism approach which is linked to quantitative method. Yates (2004) states that other approaches (quantitative methods) within the social sciences may come from the fact that natural science methods appear to be successful in their field of use. Most research texts have categorised research into two parts; quantitative and qualitative approaches. (Knox 2004) notes that this is mostly done for ease of explanation or to reflect differences in style or marketing, (for structural reasons or for addressing alternative research disciplines) or simply differences in approach is in hindsight for the research. It is said by Yates (2004) that from research texts, the relationship between positivism and quantitative method is almost a law or truth. He then further highlights (with other authors) that quantitat ive methods can be used with other areas of examples within the social sciences. Also that one can argue clearly that positivist thinking has influenced quantitative or numeric research. This could be as a result from the justification that quantitative methods are just as appropriate within an interpretivist piece of research. Ticehurst and Veal (2000, p15) support this linkage between quantitative and positivism by stating that the quantitative approach to research is also known as management science or operations research. Therefore linking discipline with philosophy. Saunders et al (2003) sees research process as an onion. Adapted from Knox (2004, P.123) Within this onion the second layer refers to the subject of the research approach that flows from ones research philosophy. Therefore linking the philosophy of positivism with different approaches. This onion has now explained that ones research could make do with Deductive Approach: develop a theory and hypothesis or hypotheses and design a research strategy to test the hypothesis. Inductive Approach: in which data will be collected and a theory will be developed as a result of data analysis. (Saunders et al (2003). Deductive approach is a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is validly inferred from some premises and must be true if those premises are true. And Induction is a form of reasoning that usually involves the inference that an instance or repeated combination of events may be universally generalised. (Malhotra, 2003). From the above, I as a researcher in the case of FBN Plc have chosen to use from the Onion; Positivism approach which will lead me to deductive approach (quantitative method). I am expected to use this approach to identify an area of enquiry which is the customers and members of staff of FBN Plc to be able to have a good background of developed theory, which is seen as crucial for, guide me. The issues to focus an enquiry upon emerge from the established theoretical framework i.e., the customer service procedure, products and services and information given to customers about their funds. Specific variables are identified that the researchers deem should be measured, i.e., hypotheses are set. An instrument to measure specific variables is developed. Respondents give answers to set and specific questions with a consistent language and logic. The response to the set questions are analysed in terms of a prior established theoretical framework. The researcher tests theory according to whether their hypotheses are accepted or rejected. (Malhotra,2003). Knox (2004) concludes that positivist paradigm is majorly used by marketing researchers (positivism = deduction =quantitative methods); in aligning methods with philosophical stances. It also helps to form the nature of techniques that are applicable by researchers. Alternative Paradigm Names Positivist Interpretivist Quantitative Objectivist Scientific Experimentalist Traditionalist Qualitative Subjectivist Humanistic Phenomenological Revolutionist Adapted from Malhotra(2003 p.138). Easterby-Smith et al (2002 p28) argue that the key idea of positivism is that the World exists externally, and that its properties should be measured through objective methods. This infers that only knowledge, which is observable, is in fact valid. This then brings together the epistemology of positivism with quantitative methods i.e. methods which are essentially numerical evidence, following a very natural science approach to the research in hand. In reference to the Onion diagram, the third layers consists of six Research Strategies which include; Experiment, Survey, Case study, Grounded theory, Ethnography and Action result. This research is to make use of all these strategies to know the expectation of customers and what the management and staff are ready to deliver to their customers. Saunders et al (2003) further expatiated on data collection to be by the following which will be the means of my gathering of information; Case study (questionnaires, interviews, observations) and Documentary analysis. Expected data collection: Collection of primary data will be conducted majorly in Nigeria through personal interviews (observations), questionnaires for customers and staff of FBN Plc, and customers and staff of other banks. A major interview will be conducted with the Head of Department of the following units; Retail, Human Capital and Social and Welfare (customer service) at the Regional office. Secondary data will be collected through the customer and staff complaint boxes, financial news and reports and other related websites. Resources: This deals with how to find things out by research than discovering things by reading literature. Fisher et al., (2010). In gathering information for the research work, survey research will be adopted to have accurate and generalised views. In having a successful research work, one needs to make use of several resources in the survey approach which includes the following: Questionnaire: a question is a method of obtaining specific information about a defined problem so that the data, after analysis and interpretation, result in a better appreciation of the problem. In this research work, the questionnaire must have these set of information inclusive Facts and knowledge Opinions Past behaviour Future behaviour (chisnall 2005). Pilot testing questionnaire: chinall (2005) notes that, it is vitally important to make sure that questionnaire are piloted through all the stages of development. He further explains that it contains question which are specific, clearly understandable, capable of being answered by particular population sampled and free from bias. Webb (2002) confirms that piloting of questionnaire helps to evade participants biased answer. Personal interviews: helps with structured questions like rating question in self-response instruments and open-ended questions. These are orally presented, with the advantage that there is the opportunity for the interviewer to interpret questions, clear up misunderstanding, or gather data from those not fully literate from the designers language. (Black, 1999). It also helps observe and quantify the respondents attitude when interviewed. Documentary analysis: this is analysing the news originating from the financial sector of the country, news about the general views of customers and staff and complaints of staff and customers. Ethical issues: this poses as a problem in gathering information from staff and customers when there is a restriction on privacy, customers and staff that believe they should be loyal to their bank and employer and this can be done by keeping some things secret. Research bias: Saunders et al.,(2009) says to avoid research being bias, questionnaires and interviews must be designed and tested before being put to use. Time: a time frame must be set to achieve the expected result for the research. Literature Review To appreciate the importance of integrated marketing communication (IMC) it is useful to understand its origin and the major elements that have helped in its development. For many years agencies and clients believed that to deliver messages to particular audiences it was necessary to use specific tools of the communication mix. At the time it was a common belief that to achieve specific communication effects on buyers it was necessary to use particular tools. (Chris Fill,2009). Schultz et al.,(1993) says the practice of integrated marketing communication is emerging as one of the most valuable magic bullets companies can use to gain competitive advantage. Advertising, sales promotion, direct response marketing, and public relations practitioners are busy finding common ground to meet the coming challenge of selling to customers rather than market. This explains that integrated marketing is not out to increase profitability alone but also to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. IMC has now emerged as the response to this structural shortfall and the realisation by customers that their communication needs can (and should) be achieved more efficiently and effectively than the way it was in the past. IMC develops and extends the notion and value as a communications process targeting a firms external market. By directing Internal Integrated Marketing Communications (IIMC) towards their employees, firms are able to promote employee satisfaction, trust and commitment, thereby strengthening the firm-employee relationship and ultimately affecting profitability by enhancing customer satisfaction (Herington, Johnson and Scott 2006). By achieving employees satisfaction, trust and commitment, it results in employees dedication and putting in their best at their duties and this helps increase customer satisfaction. Gummenson (2002) confirms this, that previous studies have shown that employees who are familiar with and committed to an organisations market orientation and brand values play a critical role as part-time marketers. All customer oriented employees, not just those associated with marketing, help to deliver the brand promise. They can influence relations, increase customer satisfaction, customer perceived quality and ultimately revenue. Therefore, directing integrated marketing communications towards a firms internal market is itself a critical part of achieving sustainability and profitability. (Ferdous, 2006). Schultz et al., (1993) have produces a lively, no-nonsense critique of this fast moving marketing trend in integrated marketing communications. Taken alone, the early chapters documenting the shift from mass production to mass marketing are worth the price of the book. Yet the real meat of the text is revealed as the authors analyze the emerging reality of true one-on-one marketing to individuals, a reality made possible by the power of information technology to develop this ultimate consumer segmentation approach. The fundamental reasons offered for the popularity of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) among marketers is that it is good for the bottom line and a necessity in todays fractured market place. Nonetheless, despite the evolution and increased critical evaluation of IMC, it remains neither universally understood nor universally accepted as a useful construct. Furthermore, IMC is not consistently applied as a marketing principle and according to Hutton à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦has resulted in superficiality, ambiguity and blurred focusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Hutton 1997, p. 8). It is high time financial institutions realised that they all offer the same products and services and the only thing that can put a major distinctive difference to their services and product is by going extra mile to adopt IMC. Financial products are controlled by regulatory authorities in an economy. It includes administrative tinkering by governments with financial prices such as interest rates and exchange rates. McKinnon and Shaw (1973) further agrees that financial institutions are generally offering the same services and are controlled by government, and this is hindered in a repressed financial system by the low level of savings, it responds in a positive way to real rates of interest on deposits as well as the real rate of growth in output. Moreover, investment is negatively related to the effective real rate of interest on loans, but positively related to the growth rate of the economy. However, if it is proven that the basic financial practices of a bank is solely dependent of government policies, it is only a good thing for the bank(s) to look for best opportunities to improve on their services to survive and sustain their stand in the highly competitive market. This is further proven by Ferdous (2008) that the fundamental reasons offered for the popularity of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) among marketers is that it is good for the bottom line and a necessity in todays fractured market place. IMC has been able to achieve what other marketing processes have not been able to by breaking down corporate, geographic, and political borders to reach into customers homes and offices in a matter of weeks or days through the use of worldwide networks created by computer and communications technology that have been inculcated into the process of IMC. (Schultz et al., 1993). Integrated Marketing Communication Integrated marketing communication plan. PLACE Distribution strategy CHANNEL/MEDIUM CHOICE C OTHERS (PR, POS, etc.) Objectives Strategy ELECTRONIC Objectives Strategy PERSONAL CONTACT Objectives Strategy TELEPHONE Objectives Strategy DIRECT MAIL Objectives Strategy MASS MEDIA Objectives Message strategy Media strategy Adapted from McDonald and Dunbar (2004, p.19). Ferdous (2006) describes IMC to have been variously described in terms of a process, a marketing orientation, an organisational structure, a set of marketing tools, a basis for accountability and a philosophy. In fact it is all of these. However according to Robert Lauterborn who helped coin the IMC label, What IMC has come to mean to too many people is little more than two-from-column A, one-from-column B media selection process (Lauterborn 2003, p.14). Schultz (1997) agrees that the focus has been one of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Trying to integrate discipline rather than customer or prospects communications. In addition, focusing IMC efforts on the integration of a firms external marketing communications disciplines ignores the gains in competitive advantage to be had from a horizontal integration across a firms total communications effort including that of its internal market. The need for integration is the notion that some aspects of marketing communication should be integrated. The origin of IMC can be found in the prevailing structural conditions and the needs of particular industry participants, an understanding of what elements should be integrated in order to achieve IMC needs to be established. The elements to be integrated are; relationships, structures, brands, communication tools, messages, employees, technology, agencies and IMC strategy. (Chris Fill, 2009). The integrated elements are applicable to understanding IMC as a customer oriented process in creating a common understanding of its principles and core values. It is known that the primary aim of any business is profitability which can only be achieved when customers are satisfied. Profitability as defined by Ferdous (2006) is the function of customer behaviour, and then customer orientation is not only logical but essential. IMC integrates everything that impacts customer behaviour, not just the organisations conscious outgoing marketing messages. It begins with product development and includes packaging (branding), selection of distribution channels (communication tools), channel management (agencies), customer behaviour (relationship), customer relationship management and total quality management. It involves the multi-dimensional, interactive, continuously measured communication that connects brands or products and the customer. Lauterborn (2003 p. 15). Furthermore, Cravens et al. (2003) identifies four attributes that set IMC apart from traditional promotional strategies. They are comprehensive, drawing on all of the media, tools and technologies available to affect behaviour; unified execution of all the components of the organisation; and IMC programs em phasise productivity in reaching the designated targets when selecting communication channels and allocating resources to marketing media. Before considering the delivery of values of IMC, the communication channels will be given further attention, the channels are generally complex, and they involve various media for different communication with the same set of target market or customers. Ferdous (2006), these views about IMC values share three key attributes which are fundamental to its values as a marketing concept. They recognise that IMC is about the connection between the brand and the customer and that communication in all its forms facilitates this relationship. Implicit is the understanding that marketing is the whole business from the point of view of its final result, which is from the customers point of view, marketing today is not a function, but a way of doing business; marketing is everything and everything is marketing. (Harris 1993,p.13). Most importantly in this approach is the recognition that purposeful and coordinated management of customers and their relationship with the organisation is at the heart of building brand equity, which at a time of brand proliferation is critical to success. (Ferdous 2006). The Role of Communication. Communication is the greatest use of language. John Locke has seen the use of communication as the clue to an analysis of the notion of linguistic meaning. Customer communication completes the marketing cycle, linking customer with product, service and availability. At a societal level, in order to connect to mass production and consumption there simply must be mass communications. At its best, commercial communication engages in real dialogue, transmitting value and meaning, while responding to feedback and remaining close to the external customer. Communication has the role to announce, inform, promise, persuade and influence customers to buy in by communicating and delivering customer satisfaction. ( Doole et al.,2005). Communication is the best instrument for sustaining a good relationship between a business and its customers if well understood. In as much as communication is essential between a business and its customers, so also a communication feedback is also very crucial. This because; if a wrong interpretation has been gotten from the information passed by an organisation and a feed back is not received from the customer, the customer retains the wrong information , the organisation might be repeating the same information again at great expense. But when a feedback is in place, the organisation has an opportunity to correct the misinterpreted information and pass the right information across which makes the customer a happy one. Communication when used in the right context strengthens relationships. Doole et al.,(2005) recognising that employees deliver quality, internal communication encourages affiliation with organisational values as well as providing everyday working information. He further explains that communication to both external and internal customers is central to both marketing transactions and relationships. LEVEL OF COMMUNIVATION CORPORATE BUSINESS UNIT MARKETING DEPARTMENT Product Price Promotion Place Price packaging BRAND MANAGEMENT People Sales Advertising Public relations Merchandising Direct Adapted from Doole et al., (2005p.249) This explains the level of communication and how uniquely they have their level of importance to the whole communication process of an organisation. If one malfunctions, it invariably affects the whole system. This helps to increase the value and credibility of brand communication. At this stage, it should be clearly noted that commercial communication should be based on clear intent as noted by Doole et al., (2005), a communication campaign generally seeks to both push product on to and pull products off the shelf and position the offer competitively in the mind of the consumer. Its components parts need to hang together as a cohesive whole and remain consistent with core brand values. It is further noted that during the process of product life cycle, communications have very different roles to play; Introducing new products: the role to play at this initial stage is getting target market attention, also getting the market to test the product or service and the major task at this initial stage is acceptance of the product or service. Product maturity: at this stage, the product has been accepted and needs to proceed to the next stage, the task here includes sustaining the brand identity, maintaining the loyalty, defending the market share and adding value to the product or service is the major task at this level. In a situation where the products or services face rejection or losing market share, the need to improve on the product is essential (revitalise and reposition) or direct customers towards alternative, perhaps reducing communications to bare bones dominates. With the aid of product or service campaign, messages can be charged with differentiating, reminding, informing or persuading (DRIP) or sequentially securing attention, arousing interest, building desire and promoting action (AIDA) and moving a customer from unawareness through purchase to brand loyalty. The Communication Process. The communication process of IMC is between internal external customers. This research work is based on the evaluation of IMC between the employees (internal) of FBN Plc. and its customers (external). Groonroos (1985) explained internal marketing as an instrumental behavioural strategy for developing the state of mind that allows customer service effectiveness and building of relationship marketing. Ferdous (2006), in recent times, marketing professional and scholars have given considerable importance and attention to Internl Marketing (IM). According to Lings (2004) much of the literature on internal marketing, contains a variety of interpretations of the domain of internal marketing, it aim and focus. This means, treating employees as customers, understanding and attending to their wants and views which will help achieve a positive change in employees attitudes and on the long run affecting customer (external) satisfaction positively. Chernatony ( 2001 as cited in Ferdous 2006) suggested that in order to coherently transfer brand values to the companys stakeholders, employees must develop a shared understanding of what the brand stands for, through implementation of a unified communication approach. Today, the way organisations communicate with their internal markets, better known as internal communication (IC) (Tansuhaj et al., 1998; Thompson and Hecker 2000; Ahmed and Rafiq 2003; Kong 2007) is considered one of the most essential internal marketing considerations. Ahmed and Rafiq (2003) attempted to give a more acceptable and holistic explanation of internal marketing through the use of internal communication as a cultural framework and instrument for achieving strategic alignment while building customer service competence. This is reveals the importance attached to internal (employees) communication in operationalising internal marketing concepts/activities and achieving organisational competitive advantage and success. (Ferdous 2006). External customers are the major component of a business or an organisation. Customers determine the existence and longevity of a business. It is therefore important to understand how to carefully communicate information across such that it would not be misinterpreted. Organisations should understand how they receive, process and respond to the feedbacks gotten from customers. (Doole et al., 2005). If quality is meeting and influencing customer expectation (Doole et al., 2005) and even delighting clients, then managing expectations matters. It is very crucial that employees (internal customers) do not promise more than what they can deliver. Communicating with customers regularly is critical, keeping in touch with them, comprehending their expectations, apologising and explaining the limits of service possibilities can influence their expectations and may expand their zone of tolerance. Ferdous (2006) emphasises on viewing IMC as a process that focuses on both internal and external customers is the first step to developing a c

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing - A Feminist Perspective Essay -- Feminism Fem

A Feminist Perspective of Much Ado About Nothing  Ã‚      Much Ado About Nothing, though a critically acclaimed play, seems to be truly a fuss of trivial details and sexist thinking. The title fits the play itself, in the sense that it is a case of a great amount of nothing, which perhaps can be assumed to be a mistake on William Shakespeare's part. The characters in the comedy are not realistic, and those that could have been were transformed throughout the course of events depicted. The most trouble with the play, however, seems to come from the representation of the female characters, particularly in comparison with the males. It seems almost that the female characters are written off, rather than merely written out. The male characters of the play are given higher roles, and their characters are followed more faithfully, further proving its chauvinistic composition. The title of the play even suggests a sexist nature in its possible Elizabethan reference to the female genitalia. The play seems to reflect the common thought of its era concerning the social stat...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Choices and Consequences in the Epic of Gilgamesh :: Epic Gilgamesh essays

Choices and Consequences in the Epic of Gilgamesh Consequences are inevitable. A decision made today will have consequences that can last years or even a lifetime. Both Gilgamesh and Enkidu made choices that changed their lives forever. Consequences can be both positive and negative, but each is equally long lasting. Such is the case with the story of Gilgamesh. Enkidu was made because Gilgamesh was not capable of being a good King. He was too arrogant and oppressive. Gilgamesh chose to be unfair to his people. Of course Enkidu ends up being a good addition to Gilgamesh's life. The friendship is beneficial to both Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Enkidu had been perfectly content running in the forest with the wild animals. He never wanted more, possibly because he did not know how much more the world had to offer. Until Shamhat comes and takes Enkidu's innocence, Enkidu does not even search for more than he already has. He was happy to eat grass and share the animal's water hole. Enkidu loses his animal-like strength but gains understanding. At the end of his life, Enkidu briefly regrets his time with Shamhat, because of what it cost him. Shamash reminds him of the good that has come from his introduction to "civilization". Boredom causes Gilgamesh and Enkidu to make another bad choice. Gilgamesh decides to make a name for him. Gilgamesh wants to go to the great cedar forest and cut down all the cedar trees. In order to do this they need to kill the Guardian of the Cedar Forest, Humbaba. Enkidu has seen this demon and initially tries to dissuade Gilgamesh. Enkidu is not the only one trying to discourage this adventure. The elders and Ninsun also try to discourage the adventure. Gilgamesh is given many opportunities to make a different choice, but does not choose to. He continues on to make a name for himself. Even in the midst of the battle Gilgamesh is given the opportunity to spare the life of Humbaba. Once again Gilgamesh makes a choice, he chooses to slay the great demon. Humbaba then curses Enkidu. Sometimes a choice may not only affect the one that makes the choice, but others also. Gilgamesh chooses to kill Humbaba. Enkidu even tries to talk Gilgamesh out of it, but in the end it was Gilgamesh th at is cursed. Later another choice that Gilamesh makes affects Enkidu. Ishtar wants Gilgamesh.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Public Relations and Strategic Marketing at BMW Essay -- Business Mark

Public Relations Opportunity Public Relations or PR for short can help launch a new products sells and promotions or destroy it before a company can move it from the shelf. New companies and consumers tend to mistake Public Relations as advertising when in fact they are polar opposites. When a company advertises they pay to promote the products on TV, radio, or some type of media support. Public Relations, however the company may reap the benefits of the PR but not have to pay for it. Public Relations is defined in the following ways: â€Å"A form of communication directed at gaining public understanding and acceptance† (Learnthat, 1998-2004). â€Å"A promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution† (Wordnet, 2010). With all this said a company that has a good Public Relations team or person has a good chance of its product reaching the targeted market. When conducting Public Relations the company needs to understand the consumer need and show how the product will meet their needs compared to its competitors, by doing this the PR must give selling points that show why the Jabber 7 is the car that will meet his or her needs. Base on the statistical data obtain through our market research, BMW has picked the most opportunistic time to launch the Jabber 7. With the United States gas, crunch people are looking for better way to help protect the environment and save money in the process. BMW going green will not only produce a better running car not depended on harmful pollutants but will also create new jobs for thousand American to build these cars. With BMW’s quality rating over the years consumer can expect a smoother riding vehicle that comes in the BMW 600 coupe style or the luxurious style of the BMW 545 providing up t... ...BMW dealers’ car lots. The second phase of the strategic marketing plan is promotion. The marketing team will use the four principle elements to promote the Jabber 7. Public relationship, word of mouth, advertising, and point of sale are the four elements the marketing team will use to promote the Jabber 7. The marketing team will celibately race car driver to promote the car at race tracks during race days. The celebrity will attract old and younger drivers to the Jabber 7. The company will also offer free test dives at the race track and BMW locations. Marketing team will have television commercial to promote the car during sports event like football games, and basketball games. The marketing team will offer interviews to some test drivers to receive information Jabber 7 driving performance. The interviews will be use for word of mouth promotion for the company. Public Relations and Strategic Marketing at BMW Essay -- Business Mark Public Relations Opportunity Public Relations or PR for short can help launch a new products sells and promotions or destroy it before a company can move it from the shelf. New companies and consumers tend to mistake Public Relations as advertising when in fact they are polar opposites. When a company advertises they pay to promote the products on TV, radio, or some type of media support. Public Relations, however the company may reap the benefits of the PR but not have to pay for it. Public Relations is defined in the following ways: â€Å"A form of communication directed at gaining public understanding and acceptance† (Learnthat, 1998-2004). â€Å"A promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution† (Wordnet, 2010). With all this said a company that has a good Public Relations team or person has a good chance of its product reaching the targeted market. When conducting Public Relations the company needs to understand the consumer need and show how the product will meet their needs compared to its competitors, by doing this the PR must give selling points that show why the Jabber 7 is the car that will meet his or her needs. Base on the statistical data obtain through our market research, BMW has picked the most opportunistic time to launch the Jabber 7. With the United States gas, crunch people are looking for better way to help protect the environment and save money in the process. BMW going green will not only produce a better running car not depended on harmful pollutants but will also create new jobs for thousand American to build these cars. With BMW’s quality rating over the years consumer can expect a smoother riding vehicle that comes in the BMW 600 coupe style or the luxurious style of the BMW 545 providing up t... ...BMW dealers’ car lots. The second phase of the strategic marketing plan is promotion. The marketing team will use the four principle elements to promote the Jabber 7. Public relationship, word of mouth, advertising, and point of sale are the four elements the marketing team will use to promote the Jabber 7. The marketing team will celibately race car driver to promote the car at race tracks during race days. The celebrity will attract old and younger drivers to the Jabber 7. The company will also offer free test dives at the race track and BMW locations. Marketing team will have television commercial to promote the car during sports event like football games, and basketball games. The marketing team will offer interviews to some test drivers to receive information Jabber 7 driving performance. The interviews will be use for word of mouth promotion for the company.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Discuss how Ralph changes in the course of the novel

Lord of the Flies Short Essay Discuss how Ralph changes in the course of the novel and why these changes occur. Ralph is an English schoolboy who is stranded on an isolated island without adults together with the other boys after a plane crash. He tries to establish a civilized society with rules and order by blowing the conch to assemble the boys. His charismatic nature allows him to be elected the leader. Rally's changes throughout the story can also be reflected by his changing perception on Piggy. â€Å"At the beginning: bullies PiggyAs the story progresses: has become more dependent on logical thinking and Is more determined to rebuild the community with the help of Piggy and his rational mind â€Å"Rally's perception towards Piggy has changed from an inferior boy with physical illnesses to an intelligent true friend by the end of the story He has changed from a bully to a mature boy and a responsible leader who understands the need to establish a civilized society with democr acy He relies on Piggy's reminders and his intelligence to call assemblies and make himself clear->He treasures Piggy and ales his opinions Piggy's Intelligence has a great Influence on Ralph (how adults perceive the world)† Examples: â€Å"Exercised verbal violence on Piggy (sucks to your ass- mar/auntie) Insisted on calling him the name he hates-â€Å"Apply', laughed at his name â€Å"Ralph wept for the end of Innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. † â€Å"Seeing how savage the boys like Jack and Roger can be while having Piggy as his companion,By Caring As the story progresses: has become more dependent on logical thinking and is more establish a civilized society with democracy He relies on Piggy's reminders and his values his opinions Piggy's intelligence has a great influence on Ralph (how adults mar/auntie) Insisted on calling him the name he hates-â€Å"PiggY', laughed at his name Ralph wep t for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall need to maintain rational thinking all the time (like Piggy) in order not to degenerate and is therefore, not lured by the temptation of food More determined to maintain Jack Piggy as â€Å"role model† as he thinks in a logical manner and has enough knowledge to comprehend how adults' may think† â€Å"†Piggy could think. He could go step by step inside that fat head of his, only Piggy was no chief. But Piggy, for all his while maintaining a rational mind thanks to the constant reminders from Piggy

Educational Issue Paper: Standards Based Curriculum Essay

There are many concerns that of the education system of the U. S. are faced with. One of these concerns is that the education system does not and can not adequately prepare the students for the 21st century life and work. Because of this, numerous educational professionals across the county have been trying new ways in changing the U. S. educational system. Different educational reforms have been tried and tested in different states. In several states, policy makers are changing the educational system in such a way that the measurement of the effectiveness of teaching and education is being based on results or outcomes instead of traditional inputs such as hours spent in class and in course credits earned. Policy makers have termed this educational reform as the standards-based curriculum or the outcome-based curriculum. The position of the author of this paper is for the standards-based curriculum to be implemented and to continue to be implemented in all states of the U.  S. The author believes that the standards-based curriculum in the U. S. educational system will help improve student learning by the effective restructuring of the teaching and learning process guided by the standards which are set by policy makers and educational experts. The author will therefore aim to provide justifications on siding for the standards-based curriculum in this paper. This paper will further aim to give the strong points as well as the weak points of standards-based curriculum. Standards-based curriculum as an education reform is based on the analogy of education to the business and manufacturing sector where total quality movement is being implemented. Total quality movement in the business sector is a belief that the best way for business organizations to reach their ideal goals is to first determine where they are now and where they want to be in and then plan backwards to determine the best possible way for them to get from where they are now to where they want to be. The main idea behind the standards-based curriculum is standards. A standard is a level of quality or achievement which is thought to be at a level of being acceptable. A standard is also used to measure or to estimate the degree or quality of an object. When used in the educational system, standards would comprise of a cumulative body of knowledge and set of competencies which will be the basis for the quality of education. Standards would express what all students should know and should be able to do after attending school. Standards however, do not include how these students would be able to learn things (Judy Steiner, n. . ). Setting standards in a national level through the standards-based curriculum would give all students equal opportunity because all students would be compared to the same set of standards which would be set nationally. There is a need for these standards to be at a national level in order to have a degree of uniformity in every school. If these standards would not be uniform then each teacher or each school would set his or their own standards for students. The demands on students would then be different from teacher to teacher or from school to school. If this happens then there would be inconsistency in both instruction and in assessment. Thus, it is important that national standards should be set in the standards-based curriculum. Another advantage of having a standards-based curriculum is that it provides students with clear understanding on what they need to know at different levels of their education. Exams and assessment on student learning are given on a national level to determine the progress of students in achieving the set standards. These assessment procedures would also indicate students who are not achieving the standards earlier in order to give them effective remedial assistance (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). Having set standards through the standards-based curriculum would create effective learning because the curriculum would provide all students the expectations that the state has for them. Having set standards would also be beneficial to the different stakeholders in education. Standards-based curriculum would provide the state with a common reference tool which can be used to define the framework for national testing. Standards-based curriculum would also provide schools and districts with a clear focus on how to develop and organize their instructions and assessment programs as well as the content that they will include in their curriculum. Standards-based curriculum would also help teachers to design and restructure their way of teaching and assessment and would help them create more meaningful lessons. Teachers would also be asked to make their students understand clearly the expectations which would improve student learning. For the students, standards-based curriculum would give them a set of performance expectations that would be clear and would help them understand what they need to do to meet the set standards. Standards-based education would also allow the parents to determine how their children are coping up in their education through the communication of the set standards for learning. Once parents know the expectations on their children, then they will know if their children are attaining the standards or not (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). One advantage of standards-based curriculum is that the performance expectations are the ones that are identified. Standards-based curriculum does not indicate how the students should come to attain these set standards. This can be an advantage because teachers, schools and districts would be given the opportunity in coming up with new learning ideas that would enable their students to attain these set standards. Since there are many ways to arrive at the same result, teachers, schools and districts would come up with different approaches in teaching and eventually, through experimentation, would come up with a teaching approach that can be implemented at a national level. However, this can also be seen as a weakness in the standards-based curriculum because it would lead to the question of who will be held accountable in determining what standards to be set and how the schools and districts would reach the set standards (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). There are also other concerns about the weakness of a standards-based curriculum that it would lead to a centralized education in the U. S. Opponents of the standards-based curriculum argue that this educational reform would undermine innovation at the local level. Schools and districts would not be given the opportunity of improving their education system within themselves. Opponents to the standards-based curriculum also argue that setting national standards would limit what students should learn and would not allow for diversity among students and the specific needs of the different populations. Some learning expectations that are demanded from students may be applicable to some states but may not be applicable to other states or population within the U. S. (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). Although there are many concerns regarding standards-based curriculum, the author still maintains his position in favor for the standards-based curriculum because the author believes that this type of educational reform has more positive effects than it has negative. Another positive effect this type of curriculum has is on the assessment of students. Traditional curriculum would rely on students’ memorization and mastery of the subject matter in order to get good grades or marks during examinations. This type of assessment has the purpose of determining if students have learned specific knowledge that is part of the curriculum. In the standards-based curriculum, assessment is intertwined with standards and has become an integral part of both the curriculum and the instruction program. Assessment through the standards-based curriculum no longer tests students in terms of the accumulation of facts and information but would rather emphasize on the students use and application of such knowledge. Standards-based curriculum would then assess students on their ability to think critically in terms of knowledge application. Standards-based curriculum would focus on testing students’ higher order thinking skills rather than just their ability to master lessons or memorization. Assessment in a standards-based curriculum becomes a continuous process which would provide teachers the performance data of students to be set as a benchmark as students move on to the next level in education. Assessment in a standards-based curriculum creates an environment where students would become successful since assessment is not as rigid as those of the traditional curriculum. Students can attain a standard at different acceptable levels. All in all, standards-based curriculum has more positive effects than it has negative effects in education. Standards should be well thought of and should be applicable to all populations of the country. However, standards in and of themselves are meaningless. The author believes that the important thing to consider in the standards-based curriculum is how teachers, educators, schools, districts and other policy makers in education help the students in attaining these set standards. There should be a very good monitoring system in ensuring that teachers are doing everything possible in making sure that students attain and achieve the performance expectations that are asked from them.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Wars, Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water

In the book the wars Timothy uses the elements of earth, wind, fire and as double sided meanings were one is the challenge of war and one is the strategy Robert used the element to keep him sane. If we look at earth for Roberts soldier side. We can see that it is always refereed to the mud, which was one of the soldier’s greatest enemies. It caused many soldiers to drown as well as slow down soldiers during artillery strikes. For Roberts’s normal side we see how he frees Rodwells toad in the mud showing earth’s nature side. The Earth at one point traps Robert making Robert have to struggle free harder and harder faster and faster causing Robert to be temporary blind from the gas. The earth also resembled Roberts’s love for nature since he used animals to resemble the people he knew to keep some sanity during the war this though led to Roberts blindness at the end of the war. Robert blinded himself so much in the belief that he used this to save the horses, which was one of the first things he ever killed losing his innocence. I believe this was Roberts way of saying he wanted his innocence back and wasn’t able to keep the soldier face on any more. Finley also uses the air as an element for its life giving properties or the unluckiness of bringing deathly gases. During the war Robert uses the air to see his childhood †¦the mist was filled with rabbits and Rowena and his father and his mother and the whole of his past life—birth and death and childhood. He could breathe them in and breathe them out. †(p. 14). During the battles of war though Robert is constantly running and hiding from the air to live but at the same time everytime he breaths he remembers his home, â€Å"Slithering over the crater’s rim—a pale blue fog appeared. Like a veil his mother might’ve worn. †(P. 137). From this I believe he uses the air to think for what he has to live for at home. He uses this to stay sane as well as give him something to live for increasing his chances of survival. At the ending of the book they say you can see the air he his breathing which is Robert finally being home as his own sane self. For fire it is both chaos as well as what brings back Roberts human side. In the barn Robert suffers serious burns to the face which is supposed to resemble his soldier face disappearing. After his time in the hospital Robert lives a normal life away from war where we can finally see him smiling in a photo of him with his burnt face.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Best Buy Culture

Question – 1 Describe the culture of Best Buy Answer – 1 Best Buy culture has changed tremendously. The company’s culture was once to embrace long hours and sacrifice, now the culture is more relaxed. The employees are now really able to run their own schedule as well as their own work progress. Before the ROWE program was introduces to the Best Buy employees would have to work until they found a solution. That means staying at work all night and day if the job or situation requires it. For example the book talks about one employee that was given a plaque for staying up and at work for three days to right a report that was due. He made a sacrifice for his job that made him end up in the hospital. The ROWE program which stands for Results-Only Work Environment program is a way that employees can still work whether in the office, at home, or coffee shop as long as they finish the job. This program has changed the culture of Best Buy as well as the performance. Question – 2 discuss the approach to Organizational change that the ROWE program illustrate Answer – 2 Instead of launching a work-life balance program, Best Buy rethought the very concept of work. Under the Results-Only Work Environment program or ROWE, employees can work when and where they like, as long as they get the job done. The ROWE program is based on 13 principles and rules. The key ones include: * There are no work schedules in the traditional sense. * Every meeting is optional with a few key exceptions. * There is no focus on â€Å"how many hours did you work† * Work is not a place you go, it’s something you do. * As long as work is done, employees do whatever they want whenever they want. In brief ROWE is all about results. No results, no job. The public relations team has papers to make sure someone is always available in an emergency. Many teams realized that they need only one regular weekly meeting, so they eliminated the unproductive ones. By ROWE culture the employees feel happier about their work. They feel more ownership of their work. They feel clearer about what they are doing for the company. Question – 3 discuss the resistance, both organization and individual that the ROWE program had to overcome. Answer – 3 the corporate team led by CEO Brad Anderson, was initially skeptical about the ROWE program and whether it should be expanded. The managers at the Best Buy put up the most resistance. The Best Buy’s legal department has resisted the new way of working, partly because the in-house attorneys are worried that it will reduce their pay. When Thompson proposed extending flexibility to hourly workers, the managers resisted, arguing that â€Å"there are certain people that need to be managed differently than other people. Because we believe that administrative assistants need to be at their desks to serve their bosses. One of the corporate strategists has struggled to figure out how to prove him in new environment. Without children, she had an advantage. She could be the first one in and the last one out. She said she had all this panic and everything she knew about the success was suddenly changing. One of the legal attorney felt that she checks the emails on her day off. She was afraid that the ROWE will push more work into her downtime. Question – 4 discuss the sources of stress that are apparent in the case Answer – 4 Best Buy introduced the ROWE program to reduce stress and overwork in their employees at their headquarters. The program basically allows you to work from anywhere, any hours you choose, as long as the job gets done. The employees at Best Buy’s headquarters generally worked long hours until the ROWE program was introduced. Employee burnout and turnover was high. After the ROWE program’s implementation, productivity has increased and voluntary turnover has decreased. The Culture of Best Buy Prior to the implementation of ROWE at Best Buy, employee morale was low; the turnover rate was high, employees worked very long hours. â€Å"The company’s culture used to embrace long hours and sacrifice†. Employees spent a lot of time in impromptu meetings called by management. Employees were called upon to complete reports with little or no notice. Some employees stated they spent little time with their families and worked even when they were not physically in the office. The system at Best Buy before ROWE was work, work, and more work. Employees seemed to be working 24hrs a day. Now, with more control of their time, employees are more productive. They are able to decide when and where they want to work. The change has also helped them to confront some biases in the workplace. Deciding whether or not to extend the same benefit to hourly employees exposed how some managers felt. They resisted because of their belief that it was not for everyone, some people needed to be held to the old system. Question – 5 discuss whether or not the organizational culture has helped with the change Answer- 5 the ROWE experiment started quietly. While the sample size was fewer than 300 employees, the early results were promising. Turnover in the first three month of employment fell from 14 percent to zero. Job satisfaction rose 10 percent and team –performance scores rose 13 percent. The results from and reactions to ROWE has been encouraging. Productivity increased an average of 35 percent within six to nine months in the units that implemented ROWE. The voluntary turnover has dropped between 52 percent and 90 percent in three Best Buy divisions that have implemented ROWE. As Thompson stated â€Å"the employees feel happier about the work. †They see Rowe as a benefit that’s almost more important than any other. They talk about it as if to say, someone else could offer me more money but I wouldn’t go because I now have control over my time. Ultimately for Best Buy, the new approach to work is about staying competitive, not just helping its employees. Reference- Integrating cases from the Organizational Behavior book [page no – 553]